Wednesday, June 8, 2011

PreKinder Ceramic Hearts

This year's clay project was a project that I found in the February 2010 SchoolArts magazine.

This was our last project for the year and I was very happy with how they turned out!

I started out by cutting transparencies in half and tracing a heart onto each one with a permanent black marker. I used the transparencies for 2 reasons- 1) the clay would come off of it easier and 2) I can wash them and reuse them again without having to make new templates every time.

When the students came in, I had divided the clay up so that each student got a piece.

 I showed them how to make a coil and use it to trace around the outside of the heart.

Then I showed them how to pinch off pieces of clay and roll them in their hands. They used these pieces to fill in the inside of their heart.

When they had filled it in, the PK teacher, assistant and myself went around making sure the entire heart was filled in.

I used the handle of a paintbrush to make a hole at the top and wrote their initials on them with a paperclip.

After I had fired them, I gave each table an egg carton with 6 different glazes in it.

They were allowed to glaze their hearts however they wanted.
 I fired the hearts one more time and then tied a ribbon through the hole.

The PreK teachers sent these home with the students as an end of the year gift to the parents.

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