Friday, January 20, 2012

New semester craziness

It's been awhile since I have posted any of my student's work... this semester began with a bang! We started off with our district Rodeo art show the week after the holidays- setting up, parent night, and tearing down all in the span of 4 days! Crazy! Now it's time to start getting artwork ready for our Spring Show at a local area shopping mall, our state TEAM (Texas Elementary Art Meet), our district Run for the Arts Auction and... am I insane?!... I decided to attempt a school-wide art museum in April, with a piece of artwork on display for every child (I have 800 students)! And on top of that I am videotaping students talking about their artwork, posting the videos to YouTube and creating QR Codes which are then put onto the artwork so that the parents can scan them with their smart phones and see their child's video. Yikes! Crazy, yes! But do I love it? Definitely!!!!

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