Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Third Grade Aborigine Dot "Painting"

Continuing with 3rd grades trip to Australia, we, of course, had to do a project based on the aborigine people.

We looked at a couple of Power Points that I found on the aborigines and discussed the similarities and differences between aborigines and Native Americans.

I have included one of the Power Points that we looked at, however, I  am not sure who/where it came from. I apologize for not giving credit to the author!
I added in a YouTube video at the end of an aboriginal artist creating a dot painting.

Note- I had looked everywhere trying to find a class set of Presto Dots and was unable to find them anywhere, only the single packages (which was way out of my budget!). Luckily, when I went to our state art conference (TAEA), I stopped by the Crayola booth in the exhibit hall and explained what I wanted to do to one of the Crayola representatives. She was so wonderfully helpful and understanding- she sent me a box of 60 Presto Dots! A HUMONGOUS thank you goes out to Crayola for their help on this project!!

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