Thursday, January 3, 2013

Third Grade Maori "Tattoos"

As part of third grades study of Australia, they learned a little bit about the Maori people of New Zealand. I showed them a PowerPoint that I had put together:

Then I passed out copies of different Maori designs that I had printed out from Google. The students used these as their inspiration. They created 2 different designs in their sketchbook. The students had a lot of fun with this project. They all know someone with a tattoo and this was a harmless way for the students to create their own.

For their project, I gave them 2 choices (trying to keep with the choice-based outcomes):
1. printmaking
2. aluminum bas relief

As the students finished up their sketchbooks, they picked up a piece of white paper (9 x 12) and drew their favorite design onto this paper, making sure to fill their space.

While they were working on this, I used this time to meet with my 2 groups to demonstrate the steps for each project.

For the printmaking:
The students taped their paper onto a piece of styrofoam and traced their design with their pencil. After that, they removed the paper, traced one more time and then used their pencil to color in the positive space.

For the aluminum:
The students taped their paper onto a piece of pre-cut aluminum (I buy it in rolls and cut to whatever size I need). They placed this on top of their sketchbook so that they had a fairly soft surface and traced their design. Then the paper was removed and they used their pencils to color in the positive space.

I then set up stations in the back of the room for each project.

White ink and brayers- they students rolled the white ink onto their styrofoam and then placed the styrofoam onto a piece of black construction paper. Using a clean brayer, they rolled it onto the back of the black paper, helping to transfer the ink. Once they were finished, they washed their styrofoam.

Black india ink and brushes- the students painted the aluminum with black ink. Then using paper towel, they wiped as much of it off as they could, leaving ink in the crevasses made by coloring in the positive space.

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