Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tall Tales and Art- Summer 2015 (Day 2)

Day 2 of our summer art program-

The Book With No Pictures by BJ Novack

Many of the children had heard this book during the school year, most of the parents had not. It was still a big hit for everyone!

After reading the book, I pulled up a YouTube video of BJ Novack reading the book to a group of students at an elementary school. My reading of the book did not even come close!! 

Our focus today was on onomatopoeia words (i.e.- bang, crash, kaboom, etc). So before the children set off to work on their projects, I showed them another quick video of the old Batman TV series. This did a good job of showing the students onomatopoeia words used in the amazing fight scenes...

We were finally ready for our projects!

Project 1: Making Blurf
Ingredients for this incredibly popular project: Elmer's Glue, liquid starch and tempera paint (we used neon colors). The glue and starch are equal parts.

The children started out by mixing the tempera paint into the glue to get a nice consistent color. Then they added an equal amount of liquid starch and stirred it together, counting to 100 as they stirred. Once they had stirred it to a count of 100, they let it sit for a count of 300, letting the 2 liquids combine. Then they were able to pick the "Blurf" or silly putty, up and play with it. We had children coming back and making 3 and 4 different batches of this. They had blast!

Project 2: Onomatopoeia comic book words
The students ripped pages out of dictionaries that I had found at Dollar Tree and glued them down for the background of their word.

I gave them letter stencils to use for their word, which they traced with pencil. 

They added color with tempera paint and scraps of colored paper.


Project 3: Word Clouds
Yesterday, we had asked the parents to bring their laptops, iPads, tablets, etc with them today for this project. We had given them websites and apps that we would be using for this project:
iPads- CloudArt and ABCYa!
Tablets- Wordsalad
The children typed in their "sound" words and created a very basic word cloud. We didn't do any printing, however, they saved them so they could be printed out at home.

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